This is us

Pferd auf Wolke

Pferd auf Wolke is a tourism service company that was founded in the Montafon in 2015. The imaginative name stands for local hospitality, service, innovation and reliability. The core tasks of our sole proprietorship are the rental and management of vacation properties to constantly changing and regular guests. We work closely and hand in hand with the owners of the properties. Pferd auf Wolke currently looks after over 100 vacation homes and vacation apartments with more than 1600 beds in various destinations. Click here for the website of Pferd auf Wolke

The major goal of our
company is …

… an intensive engagement with sustainable tourism offerings, whose competitiveness in the market is characterized by regionally coordinated specializations, innovative customer solutions, and economically viable concepts. We also want to create an experience that is simply unique and carefree for both our property owners and our guests.

Simply unique

There for everyone and everything

We are open all year round and are always there for you. This means you can explore our dream destinations at any time of year and gain as many different impressions and
unforgettable experiences as possible.
Not only will you find the perfect vacation property to suit you and your budget, but there is also a wide range of exciting leisure activities on offer, from hiking and downhill skiing to snowboarding and skiing!

But it doesn’t always have to be an action-packed outdoor vacation. Sometimes it’s also “just” the very relaxed coming together of family or a group of friends. In a cozy place where there’s truly room for everyone. Because time spent together is simply the most beautiful.

On-demand services during a stay

We have put together an all-inclusive package for you that is designed to guarantee you the best time. You will be accompanied by us throughout your entire journey. This begins with the online concierge, which we send you after booking and which provides you with everything you should know during your arrival and your stay. While you are on-site with us, you will continue to be well taken care of by our team and online shop – if you wish.

Here you can find all our services

Your feel-good place in the heart of the Montafon mountain world.
Creative tourism with an eye for detail.
pferdaufwolke1 month ago
Schon wieder ist ein Jahr vorbei... und was sollen wir sagen? Es war spannend, lustig, aufregend, manchmal auch gemütlich, aber...
pferdaufwolke1 month ago
Wir wünschen Euch allen von Herzen frohe Weihnachten und hoffen, dass Ihr die Festtage gemütlich mit Euren Liebsten verbringen könnt....
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Es ist Winter und die Tage sehen endlich wieder so aus.✨ - It is winter and the days finally look...
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Alma und Alice im Alpenhaus Montafon haben ein Makeover gekriegt! Ihr findet die Schwester-Apartments nun in einem geschmackvollen Mix von...
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Endlich geht der Winter so richtig los! Dieses Wochende fand das große Ski Opening in der Silvretta Montafon und Gargellen...
pferdaufwolke2 months ago
Du hast ein Auge fürs Detail und bist einfach gut drauf? Dann passen Wir richtig gut zusammen! Wir bei Pferd...